13010 Mitchell Point Road, Newport News, VA 23602

Rachel Bradley


Rachel Bradley was raised by incredible parents who demonstrated the love of Christ to her and others every single day. She was saved at the age of 9 and has been actively involved in church music ministry since 2006. Rachel graduated from Denbigh Baptist Christian School in 2010. She went on to earn her Bachelor of Music Education degree from Cedarville University in 2014.

Rachel has been the volunteer worship leader at DBC since 2014. She loves to teach and has many private voice and piano students. A musician through and through, Rachel also accompanies, performs in community theater, and sings professionally with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra Chorus.

In her spare moments, Rachel loves spending time with her amazing family and husband, Matt. She continually seeks to become a better teacher, and she is a firm believer that musical learning never comes to end. She is excited to share what she has learned with her students at DBCS and inspire in them a love of the fine arts.